Posted on Monday March 05, 2018

Data security is critical to the healthcare industry. Hospitals and clinics need to ensure medical records are protected at all times to stay HIPAA-compliant. But with Spectre and Meltdown affecting every server, all healthcare providers are at risk of data breach.

Why is Spectre and Meltdown a big problem for healthcare providers?

Spectre and Meltdown are security flaws in computer chips that give hackers access to all data saved in the server, circumventing even encryption and multi-layered security systems.

This is a problem for healthcare organizations because patient data and other medical information must be protected in accordance with HIPAA regulations. If hackers did use Spectre and Meltdown to hack servers, millions of private data -- including patient names, social security numbers, bank account numbers, and medical histories -- can be leaked over the Internet.

To ensure you servers stay HIPAA-compliant, there are three things you should do:

#1. Apply patches

One effective way to defend against Spectre and Meltdown flaws is by installing patches. Check your server manufacturer's website for the latest updates and install them right away. Although some are saying that these patches are causing systems to perform slower, it's still worth it if you want to avoid the hefty costs of noncompliance.

#2. Implement dedicated servers

A more cost-efficient method to prevent Spectre and Meltdown exploitation is by using dedicated servers. By having complete ownership of the server, you can control the security measures, software, and management of the server. You can also lower the risk of security breaches because no other organization will share your server and gain access to it accidentally, like what tends to happen with most public cloud services.

#3. Hire professionals

Due to the complexity of Spectre and Meltdown, healthcare providers are recommended to hire managed services providers (MSPs). Without adequate experience, you or your employees could accidentally disable security software and/or misconfigure servers.

For organizations with limited capital budget, MSPs can provide you Spectre and Meltdown solutions customized to your needs and budget. Experts will monitor and maintain your systems round-the-clock to address suspicious activities or security issues and ensure your servers receive the proper updates.

Eliminating Spectre and Meltdown flaws is critical for healthcare organizations. Our 24/7 experts can help you design appropriate data security solutions based on your business needs and available budget. If you're interested in having secure data storage, give us a call today!

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