Missing features and capabilities in Windows 11

Posted on Wednesday November 10, 2021

There’s plenty to like in Windows 11, Microsoft’s latest operating system. Many users will undoubtedly enjoy its cleaner, sleeker interface. The placement of the Start button in the middle of the taskbar, in particular, is an inspired choice, as this makes it easier for users to find the programs they use most often. However, some might find the lack of previously available features a slight letdown.


Picking the right VPN for your business

Posted on Monday November 08, 2021

Virtual private networks (VPNs) keep your online activities secure and private, which is especially useful if you're using a public Wi-Fi network. But considering the variety of VPNs in the market today, it’s hard to find which one is the best for your business. Here are tips to help you make the right choice.

What is a VPN?

A VPN creates a secure tunnel between your device and the websites you visit, protecting you from hackers looking to intercept your data. All data transmitted and received through this secure connection is encrypted, preventing any third party from monitoring your online activities.


PHI best practices that all business leaders should know

Posted on Friday November 05, 2021

Protected health information (PHI) is a common target of cybercriminals, as the personal, medical, and financial information that comprise it can be abused for financial gain. This is why businesses that handle PHI should take every step possible to ensure that their clients’ data is always protected.


Why you should consider using dual monitors

Posted on Wednesday November 03, 2021

Some things come in pairs, such as glasses, shoes, and, for busy office workers, computer monitors. But while using two monitors at once may seem unconventional for some, it actually has a lot of advantages. If you’re hesitant about using two monitors simultaneously, perhaps the following benefits will change your mind.


5 Key security measures you need for VoIP

Posted on Tuesday November 02, 2021

As a more convenient and less expensive alternative to traditional phone services, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology is now a business necessity. But as with any other piece of technology that can connect to the internet, VoIP can and will be exploited by cybercriminals. That’s why it’s important to take the necessary steps to protect your company’s VoIP systems, which include implementing the following vital security measures.


Prevent phishing scams using Microsoft 365 Defender

Posted on Friday October 29, 2021

Microsoft is an established provider of top-tier business productivity software — and its commitment to its subscribers’ cybersecurity is integral to that reputation. To combat phishing, one of today’s most prevalent cyberthreats, the software giant has equipped Microsoft 365 Defender with powerful features. Here are some of them.


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