Posted on Tuesday January 12, 2016
Revision Note: V1.0 (January 12, 2016): Advisory published.
Summary: Microsoft is announcing the availability of an update to improve interoperability between Schannel-based TLS clients and 3rd-party TLS servers that enable RFC5077-based resumption and that send the NewSessionTicket message in the abbreviated TLS handshake. The update addresses an issue in schannel.dll that could cause RFC5077 session ticket-based resumption to fail and subsequently cause WinInet-based clients (for example, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge) to perform a fallback to a lower TLS protocol version than the one that would have been negotiated otherwise. This improvement is part of ongoing efforts to bolster the effectiveness of encryption in Windows.
Posted on Tuesday January 12, 2016
Revision Note: V1.0 (January 12, 2016): Advisory published.
Summary: Microsoft is releasing a new set of ActiveX kill bits with this advisory. These ActiveX kill bits are included in the Internet Explorer cumulative update released on January 12, 2016.
Posted on Monday January 11, 2016
If you're one of the many people who decided to make the switch from Apple to Android over the holiday season you're probably wondering just what you need to do in order to get your iTunes Library on your new phone. We won't lie, the process isn't straightforward, but you don't need to be a computer science major to figure it out either. Here are a few different ways you can finally enjoy all your music on your Android phone.
Posted on Monday January 11, 2016
As 2015 came to a close, there are several trends in the healthcare industry that medical researchers and practitioners need to be aware of in 2016. According to PwC Health Research Institute, patients will be on the lookout for better ways to manage their health and medical expenses. Technology is also expected to play a major role in delivering personalized and improved care at reduced costs. We've compiled a list of the trends that are likely to affect the healthcare industry this year.
Posted on Thursday January 07, 2016
Understanding how your visitors are using your website is one of the most important things you can do to optimize your online presence and generate more leads and revenue. Google Analytics remains the top analytic tool, allowing you to keep track. Yet many companies tend to focus on the overall performance without taking the time to understand other key metrics that contribute to the end result. Here, we've compiled a list of Google Analytics' metrics that are worth knowing about.
Posted on Wednesday January 06, 2016
How's your website doing? For a lot of business owners, the answer is simply up and running. While having a website is a good start, it must also be appealing to visitors. A poorly designed website can drive away both potential and current customers who don't want to be associated with a brand that doesn't present itself well online. Don't fret if your website isn't perfect. Here are a few tips to improve it.