Posted on Monday February 22, 2016
People easily get riled up over online security. With a quick Google search, you can find dozens of articles warning about Trojans, viruses and other security threats. But how many of them do you actually need to worry about? Really, it all comes down to threats that cause massive damage and affect your unique technology. So if you're an Android user, there's a new type of malware that fits both these categories. With the ability to wipe out all the personal data on your phone, this terrifying security threat is something all Android users should be aware of.
Posted on Friday February 19, 2016
You may be thinking about replacing your traditional phone system with VoIP. But you have some reservations. How does VoIP work? Is it really a reliable service? Do the cost savings really live up to the hype? If you're unfamiliar with VoIP, there are some alternative, low-cost options available for you to test out beforehand. So without further ado, here are four VoIP apps you can try before installing a full blown system in your business.
Posted on Thursday February 18, 2016
Long gone are the days where private information (like vault combinations and the name of your high school crush) are kept confined within a padlocked journal. Speculation has been circulating that Windows 10 gathers more info than it should. Whether or not you think privacy lines have been breached, here are some tips to protect your privacy in a matter of clicks.
Posted on Wednesday February 17, 2016
Not only has the 21st Century brought about vast technological advances, it has also enabled new ways for businesses to get their brand messages out to customers and unearthed a new-found necessity: online reputation management. With a multitude of platforms and tools out there, it has never been easier for customers to directly interact with brands and products. So to ensure they get a positive impression of your company online, here are four steps to follow.
Posted on Tuesday February 16, 2016
Just when you thought your Mac was safe from all security threats, we have some troubling news for you. There's a new form of scareware in town that's been fooling Mac users into purchasing illegitimate software. And in all fairness, this one is quite convincing. If you want to ensure you don't get duped, read on to learn more.
Posted on Monday February 15, 2016
Between your customers, vendors, employees and other moving parts of your organization, it can be difficult to find the time to focus on your business. On a daily basis, you likely have to deal with dozens of tasks, and oftentimes don't finish them all. So how can you fix this? How can you be more productive, complete your to-do-list and get out of the office on time? There are a couple of key productivity principles and technology solutions that can help.