Posted on Wednesday April 06, 2016
Everything seems fine at first, your PC is running normally but then a blue screen suddenly greets you. After restarting your computer you find that a lot of your unsaved work is gone. If this has happened to you before, rest assured, you're not alone. What you've just encountered is the Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) and it appears when there is an issue with either your hardware or software. Fortunately, there are ways to troubleshoot these problems. Here are some of the common causes of a critical failure error and how you can fix them.
Posted on Tuesday April 05, 2016
Your news feed is about to get a lot more expressive, thanks to Facebook reactions. Aside from 'Liking' a status update, you now have five more options to express what you feel about a post. The new feature not only makes it easier for you to appropriately react to a piece of bad news but it also provides you with exciting ways to manage your business's social media page. So how can you use Facebook reactions effectively? Here are a few ways you can use the new emojis to your advantage.
Posted on Monday April 04, 2016
Your technology needs to produce a return on investment. If it doesn't, you're wasting you and your staff's time and money. But how can you ensure you gain that coveted ROI you're after? What does it actually mean to have a positive ROI? And how can you tell if you have one? Here are a few tips for calculating the true costs of a new technology investment.
Posted on Friday April 01, 2016
More patients are turning to a self-service approach when it comes to healthcare. Now this doesn't mean they've taken to operating on themselves, but they are checking into hospitals without the help of medical administrators. Similar to portal technology, self-service kiosks can help streamline administrative tasks like hospital registration and payment. So is self-service a viable solution for hospitals?
Posted on Thursday March 31, 2016
When it comes to security, topics like the cloud and networks get wide coverage on Internet blogs and forums. However, other types of technology fly completely under the radar. Virtualization just so happens to fall into this category. And just because people aren't talking about it doesn't mean virtualized machines and infrastructure should be left unsecured. If you don't have the right defense in place, you're leaving your business vulnerable to hackers and cyber threats. Here are some of the major risks of insufficient virtualization security and a few methods to prevent them.
Posted on Wednesday March 30, 2016
VoIP has been a popular communications solution for many small businesses for quite some time now, simply because doing business over any IP device is a whole lot easier compared to using a traditional phone. However, did you know that your VoIP service offers useful features you may not even know about? Here are some to take note of to save yourself the trouble of doing things the old-fashioned way.