Posted on Tuesday September 06, 2016
In today's day and age, staying on top of your tech game is no easy feat, especially when new innovations pop up every single day. Today, many small- and medium-sized businesses have realized the benefits of adopting cloud database services for the betterment of their company. Google has recently announced many updates concerning its cloud services, all of which have surpassed the beta stage -- music to the ears of business owners.
Posted on Monday September 05, 2016
If your organization hosts data regulated by the US government, you're familiar with the scare tactics used to sell hosting services. But what lurks behind those vague threats of expensive lawsuits and unfair liability burdens? HIPAA is nearly 100 pages long and few providers actually know what it requires. Unfortunately, it took a massive breach of healthcare-record data to give us a clearer picture, but let's take a closer look at what we can glean from the incident.
Posted on Friday September 02, 2016
Remember in 2012 when Dropbox's data, which contained details of around two-thirds of its customers, were leaked? At the time, Dropbox reported that a collection of users' email addresses had been stolen, but it wasn't until recently that the company discovered that passwords had been stolen as well. So what does this mean for Dropbox users?
Posted on Thursday September 01, 2016
Love them or hate them, projectors are the modern day soapbox. They give you the platform to present your case to a wider audience without compromising your content. Like most hardware purchases, however, they're accompanied by a list of measurements and specifications you likely have little experience with. If you're in the market for some new projection hardware at your business, take a minute to brush up on the essentials here.
Posted on Wednesday August 31, 2016
Skype for Business (as hinted in the name), is the corporate-oriented version of Skype. Besides the snazzy title, Skype for Business possesses unique office applications that will benefit your company. Yet, many business owners pose the same question: how important is it to adopt Skype for Business? Here are three reasons that might help you embrace Skype for Business a tiny bit easier.
Posted on Tuesday August 30, 2016
The only documents not worth the paper they're printed on are the ones that never receive a second pair of eyes. At least, that's how we're interpreting the release Dropbox's newest document collaboration service. Long a bastion of cloud storage, the company is broadening its offerings with a new online workspace called 'Paper.' Does it have the functionalities to compete with the likes of Google Docs and Office 365? Let's find out.