Posted on Wednesday August 10, 2016
With virtualization yet to make its way into the lexicon of common tech phrases, many business owners are still trying to decipher the full extent of its value. Various aspects of the service have evolved over time, and we can probably expect more to come. For now, however, one of its existing functions is getting a boost from the likes of AT&T and Verizon. Virtualized network services are complex and often difficult to understand, but their value is unquestionable. Let's delve a little deeper.
Posted on Tuesday August 09, 2016
You don't need to be an economist to understand the issue of scarcity when it comes to the storage space on your Android device. This is even more true if you own a one that has lower space storage. With this in mind, we have come up with 6 ways to free up storage space so you can make the most out of what you already have.
Posted on Tuesday August 09, 2016
Revision Note: V1.0 (August 9, 2016): Click here to enter text. Summary: Microsoft is blacklisting some publically released versions of securekernel.exe. This advisory includes a list of hashes for specific operating systems that are on the blacklist
Posted on Monday August 08, 2016
Facebook's most recent monthly active users numbered over 1.7 billion. Billion, with a 'b.' Since creating and managing a page for your business is free, there simply isn't an excuse to put off doing so another day. Whether your page is being neglected because of low traffic or ROI on the time you invest in it, 1.7 billion is too large a number to ignore. Here are our six tricks for making your page a worthwhile endeavor.
Posted on Friday August 05, 2016
The latest addition to the Office 365 family is Bookings. This online service helps schedule appointments with businesses using software. Good 'ol pen and paper definitely still work, but given the world's technological advances, digital appointment management makes sense. Besides never having to pick up the phone to schedule your events ever again, here are four other reasons why you should check out Bookings:
Posted on Thursday August 04, 2016
Computers have changed the world in so many obviously amazing ways that cataloguing them is hardly necessary. But what about the more mundane areas of business where technology has changed things, such as with assembly lines or recordkeeping systems? Digital technology has in fact totally transformed the latter, especially in the healthcare industry with something called EHR.