Posted on Monday April 24, 2017
Most phishing attacks involve hiding malicious hyperlinks hidden behind enticing ad images or false-front URLs. Whatever the strategy is, phishing almost always relies on users clicking a link before checking where it really leads. But even the most cautious users may get caught up in the most recent scam. Take a look at our advice for how to avoid the newest trend in phishing.
Posted on Friday April 21, 2017
Mac Pro users have long awaited the release date of the new workstation, and who could blame them when the current model has been available since 2013. Thankfully, Apple just confirmed that the revamped Mac Pro is on its way. From specs, features, and design changes, here's the latest information we have about Apple's high-end desktop.
Posted on Thursday April 20, 2017
There was a time when mobile phones were used exclusively for calling and texting. Now, they can do so much more. Regardless of your level of tolerance or skill for managing documents in such a small gadget, mobile devices allow you to send and receive email, download and upload media files, store data, and even close business deals. As mobile devices became indispensable in everyone's personal and professional life, the security risks have also increased -- and backing up became more critical than ever.
Posted on Wednesday April 19, 2017
Wake up. Take a shower. Get dressed. These are just some of the numerous tasks we do every single day. They may not be fun, but they are essential to our daily routine. Managing a website is very much the same. By going through the necessary steps, you can ensure the speed and security of your website. Also, it doesn't take long to complete!
Posted on Tuesday April 18, 2017
For decades, one of the most foundational principles of cyber security has remained the same: Always update and patch your software. But for most people, hardware is exempt from this process. They think of hardware as nothing more than a vessel for software to occupy -- and that's totally incorrect. Read on to learn more about this oft-neglected aspect of IT security.
Posted on Monday April 17, 2017
Software updates may be a pain to keep up with, but it's always a nice surprise when Google doles out new updates for their cloud platform. Every month, G Suite, formerly known as Google Apps, gets new updates and enhancements that provide huge quality-of-life improvements for businesses and consumers. This year, there have been stand-out developments for G Suite, and here are some of them.