Posted on Monday October 16, 2017
Google Sites, one of Google's lesser-known applications, allows businesses to intra-company create websites in minutes. Previously, G Suite account owners used it to design websites using simple templates. But with new enhancements to Google Sites, users have even more design options and features.
Posted on Friday October 13, 2017
Google Chrome wasn't always the browser of choice for internet users. Before 2008, people turned to Safari, Opera, and even Internet Explorer. But all of that changed with the arrival of Firefox, the reigning champ of its time. And now, we think it deserves your attention once again.
Posted on Thursday October 12, 2017
Considering that computers won't be able to run without one, it's a shame that power supply units (PSU) rarely get as much attention as RAM or graphics cards. When it's time to install a new workstation, business owners do not fully understand all the variables that go into choosing the correct PSU, and often select a product that is inefficient and more expensive than what was expected. To avoid this, we've listed some power supply considerations.
Posted on Wednesday October 11, 2017
Your products and services won't sell, no matter how exceptional they are, if no one knows of their existence. That's how advertising comes into play. Yet for a small business with a limited budget, an advertisement can cost big. But that's no longer the case, thanks to the cost-effective online advertising platform hosted by Facebook.
Posted on Tuesday October 10, 2017
The virtualization market is dominated by two vendors: Amazon Web Services and VMware. Both have the largest market share in their respective fields, the former in cloud-based solutions and the latter in on-premises virtualization. Now, those two platforms are compatible with each other.
Posted on Monday October 09, 2017
If you're a long-time Android user, chances are you already know that your device (or devices) are chock full of features just waiting to be discovered. If you're unsure where to start, you're in luck. We're here to discuss Android Oreo's useful hidden features that help you work more efficiently.