Posted on Thursday February 08, 2018
Users get around 200 emails in their inbox a day, including work messages, automated payment slips, and everyone's least favorite email, spam. Spam messages are mostly harmless, but when you get more than 10,000 of them flooding your inbox, you're probably the victim of a special type of spam attack.
Posted on Wednesday February 07, 2018
A new iOS release usually means system performance updates, a redesigned interface, and some application enhancements. However, not all major updates are well-received, and such is the case with iOS 11, which came with a feature that drained battery life fast. Fortunately, Apple is offering a remedy along with other features in the upcoming iOS 11.3.
Posted on Tuesday February 06, 2018
Getting a new laptop can be very exciting. It guarantees a more seamless user experience with faster speed, more memory, and better battery life. But it's all for naught if you don't take certain preventive steps before using your new machine. Discover five things you should do before you start exploring your new toy.
Posted on Monday February 05, 2018
As more medical practices adopt electronic health records (EHR), running out of digital storage is becoming an increasingly common issue. HIPAA-regulated practices don't always have the option of cloud solutions, but virtualization is a secure and cost-effective alternative.
Posted on Friday February 02, 2018
Ransomware takes your data hostage and demands a payment for its recovery. While it may seem like there's no other choice but to pay the ransom, you should never give in to the hacker's demands. Before the next wave of ransomware comes around, it's important to protect your business with virtual disaster recovery solutions.
Posted on Thursday February 01, 2018
Have you ever tried asking your search engine something to no avail? With many of us facing this problem, Bing has been updated with four new features that give users more thorough answers and enable it to respond to broader search terms.