Posted on Friday April 27, 2018
Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox will soon support web-based biometric authentication. The leading internet browsers are expected to allow users to sign into online profiles through fingerprint scanners, voice authentication, facial recognition, and the like. Online biometric authentication through these browsers requires no additional software.
Posted on Thursday April 26, 2018
Did you know you can keep your laptop connected to the Internet in areas without a Wi-Fi connection? All it takes is a portable, low-cost 4G router to make a private wireless network for their devices. These tiny devices are a great investment for employees working from the road, and we've got some tips on how to use them.
Posted on Wednesday April 25, 2018
Field workers. You see them every day. And you notice that they, too, use mobile devices, as now more than ever do they need to stay connected with their organizations to stay in business. This is where mobile performance management, a critical factor for any field worker to perform and finish tasks on time, comes in. Here's how to ensure connectivity for these workers.
Posted on Tuesday April 24, 2018
Amazon lost control of some of its widely used cloud services for two hours on Tuesday morning when hackers exploited a known Internet-protocol weakness that allowed them to redirect traffic to rogue destinations, according to media reports.
Posted on Tuesday April 24, 2018
More than 1 million children were victims of identity fraud in 2017, a new study from Javelin Strategy & Research found, costing a total of $2.6 billion.
Posted on Tuesday April 24, 2018
Android manufacturers routinely update their products with the latest security patches to keep users safe from all manner of threats. Or so they would have you believe. According to recent reports, Android phone manufacturers may have accidentally missed a few critical patches. Here's everything you need to know.