Protect healthcare data from cybercriminals

Posted on Friday June 26, 2020

Hospitals and other healthcare organizations rely on the integrity of their medical data. Unfortunately, healthcare systems - especially those that involve data entry software, prescription management systems, or electronic medical records - are often targeted by hackers. That's why healthcare providers must do everything they can to protect highly sensitive medical data.


Cutting IT hardware costs with thin and zero clients

Posted on Wednesday June 24, 2020

If you want to cut costs on IT hardware, don't settle for cheap but old or low-quality machines. They'll likely offer subpar performance, which will hurt your team's productivity. What's worse, they'll likely break down often, too, which means the money you initially saved will go to repairs and upgrades. Instead of buying low-end machines, you should consider buying thin or zero clients.


Why your business should record calls

Posted on Monday June 22, 2020

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) provides small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) with the convenience of making and receiving calls from anywhere with an active internet connection. VoIP enables your staff to meet the demands of your clients, which boosts customer satisfaction. VoIP also has another feature that can take your customer service to the next level: call recording.


Crooks Abuse Google Analytics To Conceal Theft of Payment Card Data

Posted on Monday June 22, 2020

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Hackers are abusing Google Analytics so that they can more covertly siphon stolen credit card data out of infected ecommerce sites, researchers reported on Monday. Payment card skimming used to refer solely to the practice of infecting point-of-sale machines in brick-and-mortar stores. The malware would extract credit card numbers and other data. Attackers would then use or sell the stolen information so it could be used in payment card fraud. One challenge in pulling off the hack is bypassing website security policies or concealing the exfiltration of massive amounts of sensitive data from endpoint security applications installed on the infected network. Researchers from Kaspersky Lab on Monday said that they have recently observed about two dozen infected sites that found a novel way to achieve this. Instead of sending it to attacker-controlled servers, the attackers send it to Google Analytics accounts they control. Since the Google service is so widely used, ecommerce site security policies generally fully trust it to receive data. "Google Analytics is an extremely popular service (used on more than 29 million sites, according to BuiltWith) and is blindly trusted by users," Kaspersky Lab researcher Victoria Vlasova wrote here. "Administrators write * into the Content-Security-Policy header (used for listing resources from which third-party code can be downloaded), allowing the service to collect data. What's more, the attack can be implemented without downloading code from external sources." The researcher added: "To harvest data about visitors using Google Analytics, the site owner must configure the tracking parameters in their account on, get the tracking ID (trackingId, a string like this: UA-XXXX-Y), and insert it into the web pages together with the tracking code (a special snippet of code). Several tracking codes can rub shoulders on one site, sending data about visitors to different Analytics accounts." The "UA-XXXX-Y" refers to the tracking ID that Google Analytics uses to tell one account from another. As demonstrated in the following screenshot, showing malicious code on an infected site, the IDs (underlined) can easily blend in with legitimate code.


Microsoft 365 signals a new era of productivity for SMBs

Posted on Friday June 19, 2020

In April 2020, Microsoft launched Microsoft 365, the successor to its popular Office 365. But it's not a mere name change. The tech giant is also introducing improvements to its productivity software that will enhance how your business deals with cyberthreats every day.


Why does HTTPS matter?

Posted on Wednesday June 17, 2020

Almost everyone in the world browses the internet every day. People look up information, shop, chat with friends, or just pass the time by surfing the web. Internet browsing has become second nature to us that we often forget one thing: checking our address bar for an 'S' after the 'HTTP' prefix.


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