Posted on Wednesday July 08, 2020
Microsoft understands the value of business data and the costly repercussions of losing it. That's why they've released a slew of security and compliance tools for Microsoft 365 subscribers. But given the increasing sophistication and frequency of data breaches, these cloud security solutions aren't enough to protect your files. You'll need to follow these seven security tips to prevent data loss in Microsoft 365.
Posted on Monday July 06, 2020
If you're getting targeted with surprisingly relevant ads, there's a chance your internet activity is being tracked and analyzed by market researchers. While this doesn't bother most people, private browsing mode can offer you some protection against online marketers and data thieves.
Posted on Friday July 03, 2020
Like people, websites also need to be dressed for success. Here's how you can make yours look impressive and have visitors eager to do business with you.
Posted on Thursday July 02, 2020
This blog post outlines the work that Microsoft is doing to eliminate uninitialized kernel pool memory vulnerabilities from Windows and why we’re on this path. For a background on why uninitialized memory matters and what options have been used in the past to tackle this issue, please see our previous blog post. The brief recap...
Posted on Wednesday July 01, 2020
To monitor or not to monitor - that is the question. Employee monitoring is a touchy subject. If you've ever considered it, then you may ask yourself if it is a good idea for an employer to check on their staff's online activities. Below are the pros and cons of employee monitoring, and some helpful tips should you push through with it.
Posted on Wednesday July 01, 2020
Windows 10 has become the operating system (OS) of choice among business and personal users. Despite the many improvements to the OS that Microsoft has rolled out, Windows 10 isn't perfect. In fact, many users have complained about its intrusive default privacy settings. Luckily, you can easily turn these settings off to ensure your privacy.