Posted on Thursday August 06, 2020
Getting your practice up to code when it comes to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations can seem challenging upon first glance, but knowing where your IT efforts must be focused is the first step. In this article, we'll zero in on four of the most critical items you must look into to become HIPAA-compliant.
Posted on Wednesday August 05, 2020
Today we announce our Most Valuable Security Researchers for 2020! The MSRC Researcher Recognition program is an integral aspect of recognizing the ongoing partnerships with our community of talented security researchers who report through Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD). These recognitions run throughout specific periods of the year and provide regular opportunities to recognize those who...
Posted on Tuesday August 04, 2020
Security researchers are a vital component of the cybersecurity ecosystem that safeguards every facet of digital life and commerce. The researchers who devote time to uncovering and reporting security issues before adversaries can exploit them have earned our collective respect and gratitude. The security landscape is constantly changing with emerging technology and new threats. By...
Posted on Monday August 03, 2020
Microsoft has invested in the security of open source software for many years and today I'm excited to share that Microsoft is joining industry partners to create the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF), a new cross-industry collaboration hosted at the Linux Foundation. The OpenSSF brings together work from the Linux Foundation-initiated Core Infrastructure Initiative (CII)...
Posted on Friday July 31, 2020
Much more of VoIP's potential would be tapped by businesses, thanks to the enhancements that 5G will bring about.
Posted on Thursday July 30, 2020
It hardly feels like summer without the annual trip to Las Vegas for Black Hat USA. With this year's event being totally cloud based, we won't have the chance to catch up with security researchers, industry partners, and customers in person, an opportunity we look forward to every year. We'll still be there though, and...